easyNag - smart monitoring management

easyNag is the most innovative, fastest and simplest app to interact with your Nagios, Icinga, OP5 Monitor, Thruk/Naemon, Centreon or checkmk monitoring system.

The new easyNag App

The easyNag app has been around for many years and was continuously developed and improved. But sometimes it's necessary to start fresh to take advantage of new technology and to ensure future maintenance.

The new app includes some long-awaited features and many useful adjustments:

  • Push notifications (alerts & information) - check out the API documentation
  • Overview of received push notifications in the app
  • Quick actions for notifications: Acknowledge or downtime an alert directly from a notification (just press on the notification)
  • Custom sounds for push notifications
  • macOS support (Apple Chip required)
  • Client certificate authentication
  • API Key authentication for Thruk
  • Auto expire acknowledgements
  • New filter: Show hard states only
  • Support for checkmk's REST API
  • Search for services of hosts
  • Display host and service notes
  • Searchable Downtimes
  • Filterable Downtimes (active/all)
  • Custom host- and service links
  • Remove host & service downtimes for OP5 instances
  • Manage system-wide notifications for Icinga Web 2 and Icinga API instances
  • Push notifications have been the most requested feature for years. Technically, the implementation under iOS is not so easy. Local push notifications, where the app polls periodically in the background, are not really possible due to various iOS restrictions - also polling would not work well for larger setups. The monitoring system should determine when, which host or service should be notified, and which persons should receive the notification. For these reasons, we never considered implementing local push notifications. In order to implement notifications in a clean way, we need our own web service which you can use to trigger the notification yourself using our API. Knowing how important (and often business-critical) monitoring notifications are, we have so far refused to offer such a service. Due to high demand, we have decided to offer such a service with the new easyNag App - however, althought we are at our best effort, we do not guarantee the successful and accurate delivery of push notifications. For highly critical monitoring systems, please always consider multiple notification services (e.g. sms or a second push provider).

    We offer 10 free notifications per month without a subscription, but to cover our running and maintenance costs, we charge a monthly fee for additional notifications. You can choose from various subscriptions based on your monthly notification needs. It's an optional service - as before, you can also use the app without push notifications.
    The new app requires iOS 16 or higher. macOS is now also supported - but only for Mac's with an Apple chip.
    If you want to use easyNag with an older iOS version, you can still use the old easyNag (legacy) app.

    App Features

    Easy and customizable

    Setup is easy, no server-side modifications needed. easyNag offers lots of filters and settings to customize the app for your needs.

    Performance & Speed

    easyNag is optimized for fast loading times and high performance.


    The app is available for iPhone, iPad and Mac (with Apple Chips)


    Your stored data never leaves your device.

    easyNag is the go-to choice for technicians during on-call duties, thanks to its ability to promptly alert and provide a comprehensive overview. This ensures quick identification and resolution of issues.

    - Overview of all problems, hosts and downtimes
    - Check details of your hosts and services
    - Show scheduled downtimes
    - Show parents and children of hosts
    - Show acknowledgement author & comment
    - Graphs
    - Acknowledge problems
    - Downtime hosts and services
    - Recheck hosts and services
    - Disable notifications of hosts and services
    - Schedule downtime
    - Acknowledge / Downtime until next business day
    - Bulk actions
    - Quick swipe actions
    - Master Control for checkmk
    - Connect without server-side modifications
    - Save & connect to multiple instances
    - Filter (State filter, Only unhandled, Regex filter)
    - URL scheme (easynag://)
    - Manage system-wide notifications
    - Customizable
    - Dark Mode

    App Screenshots

    App Store Reviews

    easyNag has an average rating of 4.8/5 stars.

    App Store Review
    The best there is

    This app excels in all the ways you’d expect. Easy to setup, manage and use. Nice multi-select is a treat to have, as are the swipe conveniences. Getting quick looks at the pnp graphs work really quickly for services as well.

    App Store Review
    Works great

    This app works well with CheckMK (Nagios frontend). Does everything I need it to do. Nice job. 👍🏼

    App Store Review
    Funktioniert perfekt mit Icinga2

    Super umgesetzt, schnell und übersichtlich. Die aktuell beste iOS App für icinga2 die es im AppStore gibt. Sowohl über icingaweb2 als auch über die API sind alle wichtigen Funktionen verwendbar.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    - Centreon
    - checkmk Multisite
    - Icinga Classic
    - Icinga Web 2
    - Icinga API
    - Nagios 3.x / 4.x
    - Nagios XI API
    - OP5 API
    - Thruk 2.x / 3.x
    - Thruk API
    Setup is easy - just add a new instance with the URL to your monitoring system, your username and password. No server-side modification needed.

    Centreon Example: https://example.com/centreon

    checkmk Example: https://example.com/sitename/check_mk

    Nagios Example: https://example.com/nagios/cgi-bin

    Nagios XI Example: https://example.com/nagiosxi

    Icinga API Example: https://example.com:5665

    Icinga Web 2 Example: https://example.com/icingaweb2

    Icinga Classic Example: https://example.com/icinga/cgi-bin

    OP5 API Example: https://op5.example.com

    Thruk 2.x Example: https://example.com/thruk/cgi-bin

    Thruk API Example: https://example.com/thruk

    Client certificate: If your webserver requires a client certificate for authentication, just upload the certificate.
    Default Ack: Default ack message which will be used for quick acknowledgements.
    Date Format: You can choose between different date formats, dependent on your monitoring configuration.
    PNP URL: Set the URL to your pnp4nagios to access your PNP Graphs. Leave this URL blank if you use other graphs instead of PNP (e.g. checkmk enterprise)
    Custom Links: Add custom links to any host or service of your instance. An external link will be created for each service or host which can be accessed via a button. (e.g. url://?host=$HOSTNAME$&service=$SERVICENAME$)
    The date format depends on your monitoring setup. If you use Nagios Core, Icinga Classic or Thruk, check the "date_format" setting in your main configuration file.

    For other monitoring systems (e.g. Centreon, checkmk, Icinga API / Web 2) the correct format is already preselected.

    US (Default): 12-24-2024 20:00:00
    EURO: 24-12-2024 20:00:00
    ISO8601: 2024-12-24 20:00:00
    STRICT-ISO8601: 2024-12-24T20:00:00
    With the easynag:// URL scheme you can open or acknowledge a service or a host.

    Open host: easynag://?host=HOST&instance=EASYNAG_INSTANCE_NAME

    Open service: easynag://?host=HOST&service=SERVICE&instance=EASYNAG_INSTANCE_NAME

    Acknowledge host: easynag://?host=HOST&instance=EASYNAG_INSTANCE_NAME&action=ack

    Acknowledge service: easynag://?host=HOST&service=SERVICE&instance=EASYNAG_INSTANCE_NAME&action=ack

    No internet connection: Your iPhone is not connected to mobile network or WiFi. Please check your connection settings.

    Can't connect to host: A connection to the given host isn't possible, maybe you have entered a wrong URL.

    Unsupported URL: Your URL isn't supported or invalid.

    Request timed out: The connection request timed out.

    SSL connection failed: An error occured while attempting to establish a SSL connection.

    SSL verification error: The SSL certificate of the given URL isn't trusted. Make sure your certificate is valid, otherwise activate "Accept any SSL Certificate" in the settings of the instance (not recommended).

    Error: got status code 401: (Unauthorized). The authentication failed. Make sure you have entered the correct username and password.

    Error: got status code 404: (Not found). Check if your URL is correct and valid.

    Error: Login failed Login to your instance failed. Check your credentials and your webserver logfile.

    Parsing Error: An error occured while parsing your instance. Your version may be unsupported.
    Trigger alerts yourself using our API (check out the API documentation)
    10 notifications per month are free without a subscription. Upgrade to one of our subscription plans for more notifications:

    Small Plan: 100 notifications / month
    Medium Plan: 500 notifications / month
    Unlimited Plan: Unlimited notifications / month

    Limits are reset on the first of every month at 00:00 UTC.

    Download the app now

    easyNag is available on the Apple App Store.